But this program Compress your program as chm files which can be used in the computers in which this program is not installed. OCK CHM COMPRESSOR Is a compressing program like win zip.
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PWShow v.2.01 PWShow (PasswordShow) displays the characters being asterisks in password fields of many applications.BitCrypter can encrypt and compress the programs without affecting their direct functionality. BitCrypter v. BitCrypter is a high-performance crypter and protector for native Windows 32bit exe files and.netshrink you can also bind multiple DLL libraries to the output file. It uses LZMA compression library and can decrease your file size even by 50%.

netshrink is an executable compressor and DLL binder for. Reduce Exe v.1.3 Reduce Exe is an easy to use tool for correcting Windows Portable Executable files.- Clear binary trash in headers of PE files - Erase section names - Remove relocations table - Examine the list of the export functions - Erase selected functions in.Windows Programs and Dlls, and DOS Programs can be. UPX Tool v.1.03 UPX Tool is a GUI for the popular UPX EXE Compressor.